Sachai Tea Benefit Corp is a woman owned company that is passionate about making authentic chai, sourcing ingredients responsibly and direct trade of tea from small farmers in India.

Gold Plastic Scorecard Rating

Plastic Scorecard Rating

Sachai Tea's progress:


Industry average:


Explore the progress Sachai Tea has made toward a circle, low carbon economy.  Every achievement helps to increase their Plastic Scorecard Rating based on how their unique company can create the most effective environmental impact. 

At a glance

Active Initiatives

2030 Targets: US Plastic Pact aligned

Scorecard progress

Scorecard progress

Explore the progress Sachai Tea has made toward a circular, low carbon economy. 

Gold Plastic Scorecard Rating
Sachai Tea's Progress 66%
Industry Average 48%









10,000 plastic bottles diverted from nature

Plastic recovery in Kerala, India

Project baseline:
Kozhikode is a coastal city in the south Indian state of Kerala, which used to be a significant spice trade center. Over time, it turned into a densely populated city with a public waste management infrastructure that leaves much to be desired.

Project activity:
In collaboration with our Partner Organization Green Worms, your impact investments subsidize the collection and recovery of plastics that are otherwise bound for nature. Your investment incentivizes the collection and transport of flexible plastics from unmanaged landfills, while supporting additional income and health benefits for their all women workforce.

Membership Story

Sachai Tea is working with the Plastic Scorecard to reduce their plastic waste and share their journey to inspire others. Understanding and measuring their plastic footprint was the first step to further minimize their impact on the planet. Initiating strategic interventions is bolstering their environmental responsibility, and Sachai Tea will be able to increase its positive impact and hopes to encourage continual improvements throughout their community.

Through their Plastic Scorecard, Sachai Tea, is engaging to reduce waste from their operations and supply chain and has recovered 10,000 plastic bottles from nature. Their pledge to finance plastic waste recovery pledge through Green Worms directly supports the Kerala community in Southern India.

Note from the Plastic Scorecard

Sachai Tea’s 2023 Plastic Scorecard came to fruition in response to the growing concern of the plastic crisis. The Plastic Scorecard’s missions is to help companies to prioritize environmental stewardship across their organization, while also direct investment toward waste reduction and circular initiatives.

Sacha Tea is passionate about making authentic chai, sourcing ingredients responsibly and direct trade of tea from small farmers in India, and working with the Plastic Scorecard to continue their mission of responsible business was an easy step toward a world with less waste. 

Membership & Advocacy